Intergalactic Media is an Austin entertainment company creating interactive and immersive experiences with a focus on the circus arts. Founded in 2019 by Carla X with the goal of providing premium bespoke entertainment specializing in the integrate of high art and event art. Intergalactic Media specializes in elaborately costumed characters and creating immersive experiences that transcend your event to something between the realms of real and otherworldly. All of our events and services are custom-tailored to fit our clients needs and bring their dreams into reality.

Check out our stellar portfolio



You want high flying aerialists? Mind (and body!) bending contortionists? Sideshow clowns to lighten the mood or shock your audience during intermission? Intergalactic Media has its roots in the circus arts community, collaborating with the best performers across the universe to bring premium cirque entertainment to you. Whatever the budget and scale, we can make the bigtop a part of your life for an evening.


You want high flying aerialists? Mind (and body!) bending contortionists? Sideshow clowns to lighten the mood or shock your audience during intermission? Intergalactic Media has its roots in the circus arts community, collaborating with the best performers across the universe to bring premium cirque entertainment to you. Whatever the budget and scale, we can make the bigtop a part of your life for an evening.


Intergalactic media has experience entertaining family friendly crowds of all ages, so rest assured, we can make an event just strange enough to be memorable, but still keep Human Resources from banging down your door. Bring your team to another planet for your next corporate event or outing!


Working with fabricators responsible for some of the biggest art in Austin, Intergalactic Media can take your event and transform it into a perception altering journey. Bring your event themes and concepts to life with immersive fabrications that match the costumes and watch your event be transported. Integrating our fabricating skills and collaborators with projection mapping technology can bring our sculptures and performers to life. We enable the culmination of of technology and art, and bring mixed reality experiences to life.